Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chap Stick


MommyKW said...

HILARIOUS! Must be the age, because Samantha is obsessed with makeup. She wants lip gloss ALL the time! At least it keeps their lips looking smooth and fresh! haha!

Caroline said...

Jo is OBSESSED with my chap stick. She sees it and will give it to me and make that face and she makes this certain noise when she makes the face it's hilarious.

Jennifer said...

We have such girls....Brooke loves anything girly. I am not a lipstick fan but I am def addicted to the Softlips chapstick..and Brooke thinks she should havee everything I have. I was filing one of my nails the other day that had like a snag on it and threw my emory board back in the drawer in my bathroom and Brooke opens the drawer files her nail and throws it back in the drawer...we have done it a couple times just to get her to copy me...I need to get it on video so I can show you. Jo is precious!!

Anonymous said...

YAh.. Jenna loves chapstick too!!! LOVES!! It ends up all the way to her forhead too!