Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Real People Food!

Today, I was determined to get Jo to take atleast 1 long nap. I can't stand having a monster baby from 2:30-7:45! So in anticipating of failing and having a very unhappy baby I put this onsie on her that I thought was very fitting. If you can't read it, it says Cry Baby and then the definition "one who cries or complains frequently with little cause" haha

And some pictures of Jo when she was fully dressed haha here are some cute pictures of her sneezing and playing with really safe toys, yup... really safe.

So anyway, she took her usual 30 minutes (on the dot) nap for her first nap. Since I have tried everything, I was pretty desperate to have her take a longer 2nd nap. So as the 30 minutes mark approached, I picked her up while she was asleep and brought her in our bed with us and I layed down with her and cuddled with her (this always gets her to sleep for a long time in the mornings) and she ended up taking an 1 1/2 hour nap! And I even doozed off a little too =) Unfortuantly, it took me 50 minutes... yes, 50 minutes, to rock her to sleep. She just layed in my arms wide awake and then would drift off then open her eyes and repeat. I finally got her to fall asleep after 20 minutes but she woke up 5 minutes after putting her down and then I had to pick her up again and all in all it took 50 minutes. Must have been the long nap! So tomorrow, I am going to attempt to get her to take just one long nap! Wish me luck!

Tonight, Jo had her first meal of all grown up people food! She first had some Cheerios, then had some mixed vegatables, a few Puffs, and some of my fruit bar popsicle. I'm not sure she ate as much as she usually would if she had baby food but we'll see how she sleeps tonight and judge it by that. I think she'll like it better once I chop it up better with my new food processor! I didn't use it tonight but I definitely will start. Here are some pictures!

And here is what the chair looked like after I took her out...

And finally, here are 2 videos of Jo eating her veggies, they're kinda boring so you don't have to watch them if you get bored haha I just love them because I'm her mom! =)

My new TV console comes Friday! YAAAAY!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tickle, Tickle, Tickle...

Well we're not going to go with Owens Corning because, well, we don't want to pay $13,000 to remodel one room. Yes, you heard me correctly, $13,000. My father-in-law knows how to do all the work so he said that we're just going to work on it together. Once Rob's sister moves back in (she needs to be out of her current apartment by May 15th) we can focus completely on getting the garage done. They have a lot of work to do to prepare for her coming back so I understand, but I'll keep up my cleaning and organizing of the garage. It should be done within the next 2 months. I couldn't be ANY more exciting. I know that once my father-in-law shows me how to do some of the work I'm going to be staying up till all hours doing it because that's the type of person I am. When I get an idea in my head like this, I like to go and execute that idea RIGHT AWAY so it's absolute torture for me to be waiting as long as I have to.

Jo has a diaper rash and is still not taking any good naps so she's just a beast haha. Didn't take any pictures today, which is a shame because she was wearing an adorable outfit! But here is a video from last night of her being tickled, which she loves!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Rob and I had a great night out last night and Jo was a good girl for Nana! Yaaay! She even went to sleep really easy for her and stayed asleep, I thought she'd be a little iffy about it not being me who was putting her down. Glad everything went according to plan!

Today, the people from Owens Corning are coming over to give us a quote about the garage. I'm SO nervous for some reason! It'd be really great to have them do it because they'd be able to do the WHOLE thing... the electrical work, the finishing, everything. So it'd be great to have one company complete the whole project instead of getting like 3 different companies to come in and do it.

So Jo is a crawling monster! Her new favorite place to crawl is over to Rob's computer and she likes to sit there and press all the different buttons haha. I'm sure he'll be thrilled! Also, today I sat her down in the living room and went into the kitchen to put away the dishes I had washed. I realized after awhile that she was being too quiet so I turn around and peek into the living room and my heart dropped, I didn't see her! Luckily I wasn't led on a wild goose chase because the second I realized I didn't see her I heard her going "gagagagagaga" behind me. She was under the kitchen table!!!! She crawled from the living room into the kitchen and all the way under the table without me even noticing! haha

Here are some pictures from yesterday of Jo playing with the Swiffer and the thing that holds the wood for the fireplace. She always has such a ball at Nana's playing with all the "toys."

And some other random photos from yesterday of a trouble maker in the making...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Cranky, Cranky, Cranky...

Jo has been so cranky lately because she won't take atleast one long nap during the day. Like I mentioned before, she takes 2 short ones instead which is NOT good enough haha from 2:30 when she wakes up from her 30 minute 2nd nap till when she goes to bed is just hell. She is CRRRRRAAANKY!.

So late last night, after Jo had gone to bed, me and my father-in-law went to Bob's Discount Furniture. It was my first time going there annnnd... I LOVE IT! I had to go with my father-in-law because Rob does not feel like ever going because he still doesn't technically think we need a new one. I let him know that I don't want to throw out our old one, because it's still like brand new except for the top being a little curved making the doors unable to close which is a BIG problem. So I told him we'd use it in our new future bedroom and put the new TV we were going to buy on it, since the new TV for our bedroom would be A LOT smaller than the living room TV so it'd be supported better. Haha Anyway, we ended up getting this TV console. I really like it! I think I posted this one before but in the lighter color, but we ended up settling on the darker one. It's SO big, a lot bigger than it seems in this picture and I LOVE it. Jo is going to be upset because she's not going to be able to reach the top to pull herself up... but I'm sure she'll use the handles on the drawers or something haha. It should get here in about 2 weeks or less, can't wait to post a before and after picture!

So Rob set up his Playstation in the living room and I had to redo it and make sure the wires were a little more hidden, he still just doesn't get it haha but anyway, he left his controler out and I told him Jo would get to it and he said "Nooo, she won't, I'll wrap the wire around it and put it right on top she won't get it." So I can't wait to show him these pictures when he gets home from work haha...

Here's Jo playing in her booster seat. I usually put it in the living room when she eats because she likes to play in it for awhile after eating and it's just easier.

Jo loves when, after she is done eating, I clean off her spoon and give it to her to play with.

Today, I had to go outside and trim and groom the bushes and other shrubbery that is in front of our living room windows. Our apartment is strange, it is partly underground so our living room windows line up with the front lawn, so the bushes are right infront of it. Even though it's underground, we still have a door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard... you just have to go up a few stairs. So I trimmed the bushes so a little more light could come into the living room.

So tonight, I'm home alone. So ofcourse Zoe had to come downstairs to hang out because she does NOT like being alone, at all!

Just in case your wondering, I sanitize the play mats after Zoe steps on them haha I actually sanitize them every night since I and Rob walk on them here and there throughout the day, you kinda can't help it!

Tomorrow night is a rarity! Rob and I are going to dinner and a concert. We are seeing one of our favorite bands, Eisely. So I'm excited about that! Especially since I feel as though I haven't had a real meal in forever!

Here are some videos to end the post:

Friday, April 25, 2008


I'm going to tell you a story about probably one of the worst days of my life. Around this same time last year, I was casually walking into the bathroom and I stopped short in my tracks. COVERING the floor were thousands and thousands of little bugs. My eyes slowly moved upwards and I saw that there were thousands more covering the walls and every surface in the bathroom. I grabbed my bunny (R.I.P Kelly) and ran upstairs. Eventually they went into the kitchen, but stayed on the floor and didn't move upwards, THANK GOD. My father-in-law non-chalantly says "Oh, yeah, that happens every year around this time." and I was just like excuse me? EVERY year??? If I knew this, I would have seriously reconsidered my relationship with Rob, haha just kidding... kind of. If anyone knows anything about me you know that this equal the end of the world for me. So my father-in-law sprayed ant killer stuff and vacuumed them all up, it took about a day or two to get the strays that would make their way out. Well... this year, needless to say, I wanted to try and PREVENT this from happening. So I had my father-in-law spray this stuff ALL over the bathroom that is supposed to give you 12 months of protection. THANK GOD I HAD HIM DO THIS YESTERDAY! Because today I went into the bathroom and I SAW THEM! They were pretty much dying, definitely not their usual self, and DEFINITELY not thousands of them all over the place. This time there were maybe 50 in the kitchen and bathroom. All pretty much dead or dying. But when I saw the first one I RAN upstairs screaming "MARY MARY MARY!" Who is my mother-in-law "THE INVASION HAS STARTED THE INVASION!" Then I ran into her bedroom where Rob was laying down with the dog and I was like "ROB HURRY GET UP GET UP!" haha you would have thought there was a murderer downstairs. Imagine if I didn't have my father-nin-law spray yesterday! Who knew the invasion was going to be the NEXT day, we could have been infested again! AHHHHHH! I haven't seen any sense this morning so I think the spray he did REALLY helped and I doubt anymore will come out, maybe just a few. We think they're coming from the doorway which we've been talking about replacing forever. Oh by the way we think they're flying ants... even though they don't fly. They have wings... but I don't think they look like ants. Who knows... all I knwo is I don't want them here.

Jo is wearing on of the pretty skirts today that Auntie Karen got her! Here she is getting into trouble on the TV stand. I think my father-in-law is going to go to Bobs with me tonight to get a new TV stand, this way my husband doesn't need to know how much it was.

Jo usually take one short nap, around 30-45 minutes, and then one long nap which is usually around an hour to an hour and a half. Lately, for about a week and a half or so, she's only been taking 2 short naps. So she's always tired. Here she is SO tired that she's cuddling with me haha. Please excuse my appearance, I hadn't straightened my hair yet.

Here's a video of me and Jo playing Jo's favorite new game. She wasn't laughing like she usually does when I do this but she was smiling, good enough!

And finally, I have good news! Some... company (I have no idea who, my father-in-law took care of this part) is coming over on Monday to give us a quote about the garage. This company does everything, builds the wall, finishes the others and does the electrical work so it'd be nice to have one company do the whole thing. But we'll see what they say!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Never Again...

I never had this problem the other 2 or 3 times I have done this to Josephine's hair. All the other times, it came out basically with one wash, 2 at the most. But this stuff will NOT come out of her hair! It showed no sign of any difference with 2 washings, after the 3rd it's a little better, I can actually MOVE her hair haha. I don't want to be washing her hair so much so I'm giving her a break tomorrow and then I'm going to wash it once the next day and I think it'll be pretty much back to normal after that. It's so yucky! I'm pretty sure most of the cradle cap is offically off, whatever is left over is just going to have to deal and eventually fall off on it's own haha.

So here's my little seal caught in an oil spill having a ball today. I wish I took pictures of her and Abbt! They were wearing the same pants! Jo and Abby have a few of the same clothes and when I see Abby in the morning (which is always before any of us are dressed) I dress Jo in the same thing if she happens to be wearing it! P.s. I'm the only one who thinks this is cute! haha

Jo has become obsessed with standing while holding on to the edge of the playard, but being OUTSIDE it. It's a little tough for her to reach the top and today, I'm completely serious, she pushed the packet of foam blocks over to the playard, and managed to stand up on top of it so she could better hold on to the edge. She is so smart!!! I love the picture of her bending over, look at that belly!

So I'm thinking about investing in an empty bin just for Jo to play in haha she loves it! Here's a picture in and a video. I wish I could have caught her going "GA GA GA GA GA GA GA," just SCREAMING IT haha she certainly has A LOT to say!