Friday, February 13, 2009


So as I mentioned earlier... Rob had a stomach virus 2 nights ago. I think Jo and I are in the clear as we have not gotten sick yet. But I spent a really long time... I mean many, many, many hours disinfecting and cleaning everything in sight. Here is a lesson I learned... don't spray Lysol on wooden furniture. Should I have known this? Probably yeah, or at least questioned it enough to read the back of the bottle haha. Luckily, I bought some Murphy wood restorer and everything is back to normal! My furniture actually looks better than it did before the Lysol incidents!

Here are pictures of Jo and I playing hide in seek with Daddy's chair... her favorite daily activity.

And here is Jo enjoying a sandwich yesterday...

Before we left for RI last weekend, I set up Jo's tent bed, sans the inflatable mattress, to get her used to it again... here she is enjoying it!

Here are some pictures from the morning of the day we left for RI... of Jo just being a nut and then enjoying crushed ice, her favorite snack haha

Look at this CRAZZZZY hair!

And last but not least... here is Jo after her bath showing off 2 very different emotions haha


k's mama said...

I love that tent bed!!! Jo has some of the craziest hair ever. Its so cute!!!

MommyKW said...

That is the craziest hair! Love it!