Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to all my mommy friends out there! We went over Rich and Marcy's house for a Mother's Day BBQ.

In the car on our way... this is the first attempt at a mother-daughter Mother's Day picture. Jo is always so cranky after her nap so this picture perfectly sums up how she usually is when she wakes up haha.

Jo was so excited to get to play with Abby! On the way she kept saying "Abby's house! Abby's house!" and then when we pulled into a Home Depot for a quick errand on the way she got all excited and said "YAY!!! we're here!!!!" she was disappointed when I told her we had to go into a store first and then we'd go to Abby's house.

Here's the 2nd attempt at a mother-daughter Mother's Day picture. As you an see... we failed haha.

Here's Rachel and Rob being goof balls. Acting the same way I'm sure they acted when they were 12 haha

Jo attacking Dada...

Of course Jo was obsessed with climbing the stairs in the backyard...

Our 3rd attempt at a mother-daughter Mother's Day picture... we're getting there...

And finally... our last attempt when we got home. Yay! we did it! haha


MommyKW said...

looks like you guys had a great day! Happy Mother's Day!

Tracy said...

Love the final picture!!!Glad you finally got one! Now imagine trying with TWO!!!! :)