Sunday, October 4, 2009

Josephine Being Insane

This was taken on the way home from Target the other night, hence why it's so dark... but the only thing you need with this video is the audio! haha Jo was going nuts. She gets in these moods sometimes and she thinks it's so funny (and it is) to just talk a bunch of gibberish non-stop... every now and then she throws in a random word (like when she says to me toward the end "what's the matter with you?") You can hear her randomly go "that car!" "that tree!" "that house!" hahaha Thank god I had my camera on me!


K's Mama said...

LOl!!!! Keira does that every now and then too. It always cracks us up!!!

MommyKW said...

that is hilarious. I have to say, the funniest part is when she says, what's the matter with you! Too funny!