Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's Up With Us...

not much is the answer! Just dealing with house stuff. We ran into some trouble with home insurance... apparently when you live less than a mile away from the ocean people are going to give you OUTRAGEOUS quotes for home insurance. My mortgage lender told me what she thought it should be around and said she doubted it'd be any higher than that soooo... I put that much aside to purchase the first year of home insurance. Now in her defense, she didn't know how close our house was to the beach. So I don't blame her but I was shocked to say the least when the quotes started coming in. Thankfully, we eventually found it for only $114 more a year than we thought it was going to be! I'll take it!

In other news... we've decided Jo DEFINITELY needs a big girl bed. She's never once tried to climb out of her crib but I'm starting to get the feeling that if she did try she definitely could and that is NOT good. If you remember correctly, we were going to buy this bed when we bought all the other new furniture for the new house. I've decided this isn't a good first big girl bed for Jo, as much as I LOVE it, it's just too high and I don't know... I don't have a good feeling about it. I've decided to get her just a regular toddler bed. I ordered this one from Wal-Mart and am soooo excited! I love it. I like that it has a enclosed feeling to it yet it's still a toddler bed. Look at the other picture they have up, when we're done with it being her bed we can turn it into a little couch like thing and put it in her play room or something. I like things like this... things that grow with you and have multiple purposes that you know you'll get a lot of use out of throughout the years. I'm all for it!

Here are some random pictures from a few weeks ago that I just never ended up posting... until now that is! haha


K's Mama said...

I'm with on buyings things that have many purposes! The toddler bed is cute!

Sara said...

Cute bed! I bet Jo will be so excited to make the switch!!

MommyKW said...

Cute! I'm glad to hear that you got the insurance settled. I'm sure that is a big weight off your shoulders!