Saturday, April 12, 2008


Today is a very exciting day for me! Today is the FIRST day I've started working on clearing out the garage in order to start renovations on making the garage our new bedroom and our current bedroom Jo's very own room! I AM SO EXCITED, I can not express it! So... here is the BEFORE picture. This is the space that will become our bedroom. This picture is very deceiving, it looks like the room will be really tiny but it's actually a pretty big room (bigger than our bedroom now). There are really deep shelves lining the walls here so it makes the room look a lot smaller and the room will end just a few feet back from where I was standing while taking this picture, so it's actually going to be a pretty big space!

A lot of work, I know! But I feel like I've already accomplished so much already! Here is the "after" picture of just one day of work... (while being home alone with a baby all day, mind you haha)

Such a big chunk is already gone, a lot more than you can even see in this picture! That bassinet is going to go back to my brother and sister-in-laws tomorrow and the wall to the left (you can't see this in the picture) has a TOOOOOON of boxes up against it and most of those are going to the our storage unit tomorrow. After tomorrow, this space is already going to be so open and so much more cleared out. Having this actually put in motion is seriously getting me ECSTATIC!

Also, here is our new shed in the backyard =)

Isn't it so cute!? It looks like a little mini house! I love it, and there is sooooooo much space inside. We actually got it about 2 months ago but I never took a picture of it and I was putting a lot of stuff in there today so I thought I would. I just think it's so cute haha

Here is Jo playing with a furniture catalog which kept her occupied all day long haha and playing in an empty bin.

And here is a lovely video of Jo tap dancing in the bin! haha


k's mama said...

i love that shed!!! Where did you get it at or did someone build it for you??? We need to get a new one as ours is falling down. good luck with all the cleaning. THat looks like ALOT of work!!!

Caroline said...

We got it at Home Depot, and they come over and do everything for you.

Caroline said...

Oops, I think we got it at Lowes actually haha

MommyKW said...

I like that shed! It would make a cute playhouse! Jo is very strong! She is actually jumping in that video. I tell you, she will be walking before you know it. Good luck on all that work. I bet you can't wait for your own room.

The Real EMO said...

I just showed mike the pics of your shed. He wants to know how much it was. WE both like it!!-tanya