Monday, April 28, 2008


Rob and I had a great night out last night and Jo was a good girl for Nana! Yaaay! She even went to sleep really easy for her and stayed asleep, I thought she'd be a little iffy about it not being me who was putting her down. Glad everything went according to plan!

Today, the people from Owens Corning are coming over to give us a quote about the garage. I'm SO nervous for some reason! It'd be really great to have them do it because they'd be able to do the WHOLE thing... the electrical work, the finishing, everything. So it'd be great to have one company complete the whole project instead of getting like 3 different companies to come in and do it.

So Jo is a crawling monster! Her new favorite place to crawl is over to Rob's computer and she likes to sit there and press all the different buttons haha. I'm sure he'll be thrilled! Also, today I sat her down in the living room and went into the kitchen to put away the dishes I had washed. I realized after awhile that she was being too quiet so I turn around and peek into the living room and my heart dropped, I didn't see her! Luckily I wasn't led on a wild goose chase because the second I realized I didn't see her I heard her going "gagagagagaga" behind me. She was under the kitchen table!!!! She crawled from the living room into the kitchen and all the way under the table without me even noticing! haha

Here are some pictures from yesterday of Jo playing with the Swiffer and the thing that holds the wood for the fireplace. She always has such a ball at Nana's playing with all the "toys."

And some other random photos from yesterday of a trouble maker in the making...


k's mama said...

Hope it goes well with owens corning!!! When keira first learned to crawl she was always disappearing on me.

MommyKW said...

Too funny! One time Taylor was hiding so well, it took me quite a while to follow that little voice to where she had hidden! Jo is adorable! She takes such great pictures. Good luck with Owens Corning. We had them come out and give us a price for our basement when we first moved in. I love that they DO IT ALL! But, of course, Chris has to do it all HIMSELF!

Tracy said...

Who is Owens Corning??? It must not be a midwest thing? :) Jenna loves to hide under the table. She sometimes gets stuck under one of the legs then she gets ticked!! It is amazing how they are all getting around!