Thursday, April 24, 2008

Never Again...

I never had this problem the other 2 or 3 times I have done this to Josephine's hair. All the other times, it came out basically with one wash, 2 at the most. But this stuff will NOT come out of her hair! It showed no sign of any difference with 2 washings, after the 3rd it's a little better, I can actually MOVE her hair haha. I don't want to be washing her hair so much so I'm giving her a break tomorrow and then I'm going to wash it once the next day and I think it'll be pretty much back to normal after that. It's so yucky! I'm pretty sure most of the cradle cap is offically off, whatever is left over is just going to have to deal and eventually fall off on it's own haha.

So here's my little seal caught in an oil spill having a ball today. I wish I took pictures of her and Abbt! They were wearing the same pants! Jo and Abby have a few of the same clothes and when I see Abby in the morning (which is always before any of us are dressed) I dress Jo in the same thing if she happens to be wearing it! P.s. I'm the only one who thinks this is cute! haha

Jo has become obsessed with standing while holding on to the edge of the playard, but being OUTSIDE it. It's a little tough for her to reach the top and today, I'm completely serious, she pushed the packet of foam blocks over to the playard, and managed to stand up on top of it so she could better hold on to the edge. She is so smart!!! I love the picture of her bending over, look at that belly!

So I'm thinking about investing in an empty bin just for Jo to play in haha she loves it! Here's a picture in and a video. I wish I could have caught her going "GA GA GA GA GA GA GA," just SCREAMING IT haha she certainly has A LOT to say!


k's mama said...

I love those baby noises!!! It sounds like she will be talking soon!!!

MommyKW said...

What a clever little girl! She is absolutely adorable - greasy hair and all! It makes her look fresh, like she just got out of the bath! I'm sure it will come out soon. Maybe try an adult clarifying shampoo - just watch her eyes! Maybe you could just keep her in a plastic container. That would solve your babyproofing problems! Haha!