Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Play Time...

Today, we went upstairs as usual to play with Abby buuuuut, WE BUILT A HOUSE! haha Here are some pictures of Jo and Abby playing in the house followed by some videos =)


The Real EMO said...

looks like fun!!!!

MommyKW said...

Okay, I love those blocks! Where did you guys get those? I can see my kids playing with them. We've got to get them! I love the video when she scoots across the floor. Too funny. Why crawl, when you can scoot and have your hands free!

Caroline said...

Got them at Toys R' Us! It really builds a nice little house with this cute door but we didn't build it right this time I kinda just winged it and built whatever haha

Sara said...

Sooo cute! Jo is getting to be such a big girl! Love her heart pants and the adorable play house..