Friday, April 4, 2008

Biiiig day...

Today, Jo was basically out and about allll day and she didn't fuss once! I'm tellin' ya, when she's at home, she is SOOO cranky because of teething and everything but the second you take her anywhere she's fine. I guess it's just a big distraction and she doesn't think about her teething? Sometimes I'm like... maybe she just REALLY doesn't like being home? haha but I know it's more than that. I guess I should just count my blessings that she's good when we go out! First she had to get in the car to take me to the train station, then she came home. Then she had to go back in the car to come pick me up, then we went out to eat... well... not really "went out to eat" because we went to Wendys haha I know, I know... reeealy healthy but for the first time we actually ate THERE, then we went to do A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of paper work for a storage unit we are getting, then we went to Target, then finally home!

Jo is VERY nosey when we go places, especially when we go out to eat and are sitting in one place. She just STARES at people. Not everyone... she'll pick one table and just sit there and stare at them. It's so blatantly obvious and there's nothing you can do to stop her! haha I took this picture at Wendy's and I'm not even exaggerating, this is how she was for 95% of the time we were there:

Then at the storage facility. I sat Jo on the counter facing me, with her back to the women behind the desk but she basically did the same thing the whole time we were there haha it was hilarious! She is SO nosey! Here are some other cute pictures from Wendys, sorry about the blurryness... I didn't want to use the flash:
After I sanitized anything Jo could possibly touch I gave her the wipe and she did some extra sanitizing:

And how WONDERFUL is this chair that was at Target! I want to get it soooooooooooooo bad but it's $70 so.... yeah haha.

And here is Jo haning out this morning in her big girl pants (which I wouldn't have bought but my mother-in-law got her them but I still leave them unzipped and unbuttoned because I feel like their too tight around her belly). This is before Rob changed her into pajamas while I was at school because apparantly they had a really messy fedding haha so this outfit didn't last long:

We're going to RI again this weekend! Let me tell you... it's amazing how much you have to pack and bring with you when you're going on an overnight trip with a baby!


MommyKW said...

Very cute pictures. It's funny how innocently nosey kids can be! I saw that chair at Target, too. But, I will wait for a great Target sale! Cute pants. Have fun this weekend!

The Real EMO said...

Have fun in RI. Love the pants. Its so funny that she is so nosey!! Keira is too but not that bad haha!!-tanya