Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cranky day...

Today, like every day lately, Jo was verrrrrrry cranky for most of the day. I really don't know what is up with her lately. I feel like it's a mixture of teething, being bored of being here, and being frustrated about not being able to be mobile. I feel as though whenever she becomes mobile, whether it is crawling or walking, a lot of her fussyness will go away because she will just be so happy and distracted. She REALLY wants to go, go, go. And she wants to STAND and ONLY stand! She hardly sat down today, she wants to stand with her feet on the ground and that's it. She's going to be walking before you know it and for her own sake I hope she does!!!!

Here are some pictures of Jo from yesterday. I gave her a notepad to play with. Please note, that this notepad was in one piece before I gave it to her haha. I was shocked she didn't try to eat the paper because usually I really have to keep an eye on her but she was really just having a ball tearing each and every piece of paper off the pad.

Here are some picture of Jo during naked time today. I don't know why I don't just keep her naked all day because it truly makes her happy more than anything.

And finally, when I got her dressed (which she screamed through) and stood her back up because god forbid she sits down for one seconds! haha

And today, during one of the BIG cranky period, I took her outside to go on the swing even though it was really cold out. I don't think I even lasted a full 10 minutes but she enjoyed it while it lasted and kept her hat on the whole time! I was shocked!


MommyKW said...

I think you are right. She will be happy when she's the one in charge of where she goes and when she goes! I love the picture of her on the swing smiling! She is adorable!

Sara said...

You sound exactly like me! kaitlyn is sooo frustrated without being able to get around and she HAS to be standing at all times..Naked time is a great idea, I'm gonna add that to our day :)

The Real EMO said...

She is probably bored from being inside.. I know Keira is!!!!-