Monday, April 21, 2008


I didn't think I'd see the day! Jo started crawling today! She has been able to get into the position and back into a sitting position and she would start going moving her arms correctly but never moved her legs so she'd end up flat and then fussing to get back up again haha. Well... today, she was able to start moving her legs the right way and she can crawl! She's still a little slow at it but I'm sure by the end of the day she'll be all over the place haha.

So about the house. We just have to try and prequalify for some mortgages and see what happens from there. And if we do, then we're going to make an offer on the house and we'll get it if we want. It's Rob's cousin's house. So basically if we're able to get a mortgage, then she's going to let us get it. Not that there are a line full of people after it! I don't know why. It's in a PRIME location and it's really nice on the inside. The outside needs a little work. They started it off at $289,000... then lowered it to $280,000. And just the other day lowered it to $274,900. Here is the link to it but the picture is kinda blurry. Like I said, it needs some work on the outside (I already can't wait to remove those god awful railings and that fence! And I'm already imagining new windows haha) but it's all pretty much brand new on the inside. It's a 2 family house. The unit we would live in takes up the top 2 floors (2 bedrooms ofcourse) and then the bottom floor is a 1 bedroom apartment we'd rent out. This is the only way we'd be able to do anything like this, if we had someone's rent helping with our mortgage. I mean... the rent would pay for a GOOOOOD portion of our mortgage so that REALLY helps! Without that, we wouldn't be able to do this. It's going to be really easy to rent, it's right near the beach. Walking distace from Target, Stop & Shop (all of this is good for me) and walking distance to a train station that goes right into Boston so it's good for commuters. I'll let everyone know how it goes! Just gotta see if we qualify for some mortgages.

As you saw yesterday, Jo wore a pretty dress yesterday! Here are some cute pictures...

Jo LOVES "being in jail." Sometimes I can pry her little hands off the gate once she gets a hold of it. She is REALLY strong!

Jo also had some fun playing in an empty bin, ofcourse!

Here are some pictures of Jo playing with her Auntie Rachel. The first 2 pictures are hilarious, look at Josephine's face. She is NOT amused haha

After having her hair up in a ponytail for most of the day, her hair stayed in position after I took it out! haha


The Real EMO said...

yeah for crawling!!!! It will open a whole new world for her now that she can go where so wants! I love the ponytail- I wish keiras hair would stay in one. GOod luck with the house. It looks pretty good!!!-tanya

MommyKW said...

I can't believe she's crawling! Yeah! I am glad and a little upset. . . I was looking forward to her being the first walker! Good luck on the house! Everything will turn out the way it is meant to! That's how I feel about a lot of things! I LOVE the ponytail and the afterdo. Samantha's does the same thing after it's been in a ponytail all day. And, some of those pictures just make you want to pick her up and squeeze her! So adorable!

Sara said...

The hair post-ponytail is hilarious!! And YAY for crawling..she's gonna be nonstop from here on out :) cute dress!!