Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gassy Baby!

Well Jo's weeks of screaming her head off and freaking out seem to have come to an end. I KNEW it wasn't just teething, no matter how many times everyone said so, I knew it had to be a lot more! Apparantly she was just having violent gas. Like... REALLY bad gas. Today I gave her Baby Gas X after every feedings (sippy cups AND solids) and she's been perfectly fine all day! Not one freak out! She also took 2 beautiful, uninterrupted naps all on her own! Usually, I have to fight to keep her asleep because she'll wake up a million times crying and I really have to work at keeping her asleep for a reasonable amount of time. Today, on the other hand, her first nap was 1 hour and her second nap was 1 1/2 hours and both times I didn't have to do anything, she slept the whole time all on her own! Most likely because the horrible, nasty monster that is gas was not bothering her. Hooray!

Today, since Jo was being so good, I baked a cake! This was my first time using fancy frosting and icing utencils that make it look all pretty and what not. Usually I just bake the cake, put frosting on it and then a bunch of sprinkles (Oh my god! I just realized I didn't put sprinkles on this cake and that's usually the only reason I make a cake!) Here it is! (it was "Jo & Abby's cake, hence their names on it haha)

Here are some pictures of Jo actually playing with some toys and then some pictures of her ofcourse playing with her favorite thing, the Baby Gas X bottle (anything that has that top works, like the Tylenol bottle etc...)

Today, Abby had a cute bow in her hair and ofcourse took it off real fast haha so I put it in Jo's hair and it was SO cute, I need to buy some bows for Jo! You can't really tell in the picture but it was all different shades of pink, so adorable!

And finally, some pictures I took while me and Jo were dancing haha. It's a game we play called Dancing With The Babies (obviously supposed to be a play on Dancing With The Stars) and we do all different sorts of dances and she just laughs, and laughs, and laughs haha


Sara said...

So glad that Jo is feeling better! Cute bows are the best!!! Enjoy your beautiful cake :)

MommyKW said...

Love the cake! Did Jo get any? You need to get that girl some bows! She has so much hair, I would be in bow heaven! Haha! The dancing you are doing with Jo is Samantha's favorite thing. Too cute!

k's mama said...

Glad that jo is feeling better. Love the xmas Pj's!!!
That cake looks delicious!!!!!!!