Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh Well...

We pre-qualified for a bunch of mortgages today from Bank of America. But when they called us to talk about it, they said that because they have to be so strict with mortgages these days (which is true, it is TOUGH out there to get a mortgage these days, my brother who makes a crap load of money is even having a really hard time...) that they can't do this unless we ALREADY had the first floor unit rented out. Because of the economy, mortgage companies are being so strict these days. If Rob's cousin had that unit rented out already we'd be able to do it but alas, we can not. They said they can't just assume we'll be able to rent it out. Looks like I'll keep working on my project in the garage! It was worth a try!

1 comment:

MommyKW said...

I am so sorry, but maybe this just wasn't meant to be. Something similar happened with Chris and I with a house we tried to buy before we bought this one. I would go into it, but it would take forever and obviously it wasn't meant to be. My stepfather owns a title company and they are really seeing the downside of the mortgage industry.