Sunday, April 13, 2008

Storage Unit, Galore!

Today we took another storage unit trip, which we'll be doing on Rob's days off for the next few weeks. Rob's sister is moving back in with her mother and father for a little bit and Rob needs to empty his old bedroom (which has A LOT of stuff in it... I mean, A LOT) so she can use that room and so next Friday or Sunday (Rob's days off) we have to get a U-Haul and just do it in one full sweep. All in one day! It'll be a lot of work but we gotta hurry up and get that room emtpy. Then, one I'm done with all my stupid school crap, I can really start concentrating on the garage! And then we went to my sister-in-law's and brother-in-law's to return the bassinet they let us borrow when Jo was just a tiny little thing haha. I can't believe how much is already gone from the garage, it's getting me so excited!

Here are some adorable pictures from this morning when Jo was showing off some of her toys to the camera haha it really looks like she's saying "Hey! Take a look at this!"

Here is me and Jo about to have some bathroom fun haha and a nice example of what Jo does the second I sit her in her tub (this is what I used to do if I had to do something in the bathroom), she stands up!

Here is Jo having fun with Daddy and wearing a yellow headband to match her outfit! I couldn't leave it on because it's too tight (they're more for newborns) but I had to dig it out for a picture!

Here are some pictures from our storage unit trip. The first picture is of the threatening skies that loomed over us all day but never produced anything. Most of these pictures I jokingly took just to annoy Rob haha but one of them you can get a good look at how huge our storage unit is! I love it!

Here are 2 videos of Jo hangin' in the bathroom in her tub haha. In one of them you'll see her stand up, then discover the knobs on the bathroom drawers in which she figures out that she can hold on to and stand up for upright.

(The picture may not show up, but it'll still work when you press play)


The Real EMO said...

that is a big storage unit!!!!! Both Mike and I are clutter phobic - we constantly go through and get rid of stuff. But with kids you collect so much stuff. We may need one of those soon!
The videos are cute!! She stands up really well!!-tanya

Caroline said...

Yeah ALL of this stuff from before we were married, just stuff my husband collects. I'm a clutter phobic as well! TRUST ME! Our apartment now compared to before I moved in is like a whole new apartment haha. I HATE clutter, it stresses me out.

MommyKW said...

Looks like you have a lot of room to fill up that unit! So big! I love the videos, she is so strong and has really good balance!