Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tickle, Tickle, Tickle...

Well we're not going to go with Owens Corning because, well, we don't want to pay $13,000 to remodel one room. Yes, you heard me correctly, $13,000. My father-in-law knows how to do all the work so he said that we're just going to work on it together. Once Rob's sister moves back in (she needs to be out of her current apartment by May 15th) we can focus completely on getting the garage done. They have a lot of work to do to prepare for her coming back so I understand, but I'll keep up my cleaning and organizing of the garage. It should be done within the next 2 months. I couldn't be ANY more exciting. I know that once my father-in-law shows me how to do some of the work I'm going to be staying up till all hours doing it because that's the type of person I am. When I get an idea in my head like this, I like to go and execute that idea RIGHT AWAY so it's absolute torture for me to be waiting as long as I have to.

Jo has a diaper rash and is still not taking any good naps so she's just a beast haha. Didn't take any pictures today, which is a shame because she was wearing an adorable outfit! But here is a video from last night of her being tickled, which she loves!


The Real EMO said...

Thats too bad that you have to do all the work youtself.. but I bet that is what we would do too. Mike thought owens corning was going to give you an expensive quote.-tanya

MommyKW said...

I didn't want to say it before, but I thought it would be really high too. They were outrageous for our basement and Chris wanted to do it himself any way. The idea behind the whole system is great, but they are very pricey. Good luck on doing it yourself! I am the same way about getting things done when I say so. I don't like drawn out projects, but because Chris is a do-it-yourselfer they usually are drawn out. . . the basement for example! But, he will be very proud of his job well done, when it's done and you will too! Love the video. Tickling is such torture but they love it!

Jennifer said...

That stinks about them being to high...but at least you are on the road to getting it done. Brooke loves to be tickled...I squeeze the top of her thighs and tell her how cute her chubby thighs are and she just howls.