Saturday, January 12, 2008


I believe Josephine is feeling better. Her cough doesn't sound as congested and deep anymore, just sounds like a plain cough. She also isn't coughing as much. But feeding her is still HEEEELLLL. It takes 2 hours from start to finish. With many, many breaks in between. It is very hard to get her to eat, it's like she's in severe pain or something while she eats. This is why I suspect an ear infection or something so I want to buy an ear monitor which checks to see if there is fluid in the ear and how much so you know whether or not you need to go to the doctors, I thought this was something that might be good to have around for the future as well. I can't help but think the feeding problems don't have much to do with the cough anymore. We shall see how tomorrow goes!

Can yooou find Josephine?

As you can see she had a lot of fun with the stuffed animals and after playing the part of godzilla she just had to collapse and happily admire her destruction.

So since Jo can sit up so well now I decided to take back out the big girl tub and give it another try!

And here are two videos. In the first one Josephine is going crazy in her jumperoo and she's all doped up on Tylenol so she thinks anything I do is just hysterical. In the second one, she's in the bath and is absolutely determined to catch that pink rubber duckie over and over so she can eat it. You get a little preview of that with those pictures above.

1 comment:

k's mama said...

Great videos!!!! She is soo much like Keira.. when keira is in the tub she does the same thing.. reach for toys and put them in her mouth!!!