Friday, January 11, 2008


Today was the third day Josephine has been sick. Feeding her has been hell! Her appetite is GOOONE. The first day, she ate 5 oz. less than her usual daily amount of formula. The second day she ate 8 oz. less! I was getting kinda worried but today she only ate 3 oz. less so I feel a bit better. But feeding her a bottle ia a 1-2 hour process, with many, many breaks in between. Hopefully she starts feeling better. She has been sooo cranky because of this... she was crying and whining so much today. Bleh :( It suck... for the both of us...

Here are pictures of Josephine from yesterday and today enjoying her new big girl carseat... which is still in the box in our kitchen:
I couldn't be out of her sight today without her flipping out so if I was in the kitchen I just stuck her in the new carseat haha she really likes it, and I think it's because it's in a box.

I reallllly hope Josephine goes back to her routine after she gets better. It's all over the place right now. Usually she is dead asleep between 8-8:30 every night but tonight, because she DEMANDED to take such a late nap (there was seriously no keeping her up) I didn't even get to try and put her to sleep till 9:40 and she would sleep for a few minutes and then wake up until 10:45 which is when she finally went down for good. Ugh... I really hope she doesn't get used to this and not go back to how she used to be. It's also because it takes her so long to eat now that her last bottle has been keeping her up so late. I don't want her to go to sleep without having her last bottle or she won't be able to sleep good so she's been going to sleep later than usual because I have to try my best to get her to eat.

Here's a cute picture of Jo from the other day when I put her in that pink bin, haha she obviously LOOOVES it:

1 comment:

k's mama said...

If its any consolation.. Keira is sick too!! She coughed in her sleep all night long.. but thankfully still slept throught the night. I have no idea if she is eating less or not because she is still nursing every 1.5 hours or so.... What kind of carseat did you get... Keira still fits in her infant seat but we will have to buy a new seat soon.