Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Caitlin came over the other day to make some Christmas cookies with us! I had a bunch of Christmas cookie cutters but when I got them out, Jo somehow stole 2 of them without any of us noticing and I forgot about them so we could have had a more variety of Christmas shapes if it wasn't for the pesky toddler!!! haha I know these look QUIT festive! Some better than others. We used a recipe for the frosting which consists of just confectionary sugar and milk mixed to however you want it plus food coloring. Well, we learned after awhile that it had to be REALLY thick to come out the way we wanted it to. We learned this toward the end haha and used the thick purple frosting we made to drizzle over some of the other cookies, so the trees could have tinsel!

Here is Jo playing with the stickers from my school planner, Rob put them on her face. She didn't know why we were laughing so I put her in front of the mirror and she laughed too!

Playing with her chalk board today...

And finally, today, I came up with the brilliant idea of putting all of Jo's Christmas themed stuffed animals around our Christmas tree...

Yeah I'm a little obsessed with our tree haha.

Here is a video of Jo today... making a mess.


k's mama said...

cookies look good. We are starting ours tonight!

Anonymous said...

Yumm I want some of those cookies!

Sara said...

love the animals around the tree idea! very cute!!

MommyKW said...

Cute cookies! I bought that same outfit for Samantha! I got it in red, black and the pink flowered one Jo had on in the other picture! I LOVE them!