Wednesday, July 23, 2008


What an eventful day we had today! The morning started off okay but I could tell Jo was really tired. This was my first clue:

I was hoping she'd take a good nap but... ofcourse not! She napped for 40 minutes! FORTY MINUTES! I was so frustrated since she has spent what seems like every day lately just miserable because she's so tired from taking a crappy nap. So I considered giving her a 2nd nap. Even though she usually refuses a 2nd nap I figured I haven't tried in so long I'll try again, well she finally started getting tired enough around 3:30 so I put her down and she slept for 30 minute exactly. I was really nervous about her not be able to go to sleep at night or it being really hard to get her to go to sleep but it was nice to have a happy baby... here she is when she woke up...

Then I decide that after putting it off for days I was going to accomplish the dreadful task of putting the duvet cover back on the comforter. I HATE DOING THIS! I find it to be extremely challenging! haha it always takes me forever and I end up having to crawl inside and straighten out the comforter from the inside. To entertain Jo I put her in her crib with a baggie of q-tips! her favorite!

At lunch Jo had some frozen blueberries and check out what her outfit looked like afterward!

I didn't think this would come out! but I found out it did because I was forced to do laundry today. Forced, you say? Why, yes. I was planning on doing it within the next couple of days so I take Jo in the bedroom and I start sorting all of it out... well... I get about half way down the hamper and what do I find? A BUNCH OF ANTS! ANTS IN MY HAMPER! They were centralized around this kitchen towel and were also on the surrounding pieces of clothing. I FREAKED OUT! haha I get Jo in one arm and drag the hamper outside with the other. I take everything that has ants on it and hose it off. It killed them... but didn't remove them like I thought it would. So I had to pick a bunch of dead ants off of everything. I inspected EVERYTHING in that hamper! I don't know what was attracting them... they really seemed to be mostly on the towel but there was nothing visible on the towel. The only thing I can think of is if I maybe wiped up juice with the towel and that's what attracted them? Ugh... I don't know what but now I am so paranoid! Here is a picture of me hosing down clothes and Jo watching in amazement...

Then I did all our laundry because I figured I already had a pile of wet clothes, mind as well throw everything in the wash!

While we were outside, the most amazing thing happened! While we were outside Jo kept trying to touch the water coming out of the hose. I had it on the "shower" setting. This isn't anything unusual because she loves running water and loves to sit in the bath while the water is coming out and just touching it haha. But then she started walking closer and closer and was letting the water go all over here and then I put it over here so it was basically showering on top of her and she was LOVING it! I've never seen her be like this with water. She was drenched from head to toe and loving it and it was just a total first for her! If I were to put that over her head she would usually FLIP OUT but she was actually enjoying it! I hope this means she's getting used to it??? I don't know but it was fun haha here she is before I really started to drench her...

And thankfully she was tired enough to go to sleep on time tonight!


Tracy said...

Sounds like you had an interesting day! Ants, naps, qtips and duvet covers... Jo sounds like she is getting to be an independent grown up little girl!

k's mama said...

ants in the hamper would freak me out too!!!! Hope you got rid of them! K still needs 2 naps a day- I wish it was one. Its so much easier to go do stuff when you only need to be home for one nap. her second nap is only ever 20-30 min though.

Unknown said...

It's definitely easier when she takes one nap but it's good because Jo can definitely survive if she just takes one nap because we have to go somewhere so I'm glad we don't really have to worry about that or work around it when we make plans but when we're at home if she seems like she needs a 2nd nap then I'll give it to her. Plus whenever we go anywhere it doesn't matter if she's exhausted or what she's perfectly fine, she loves being out so much!

Mehrazar said...

omg, she is growing up every day.

Tracy said...

Gal dang... Jo is just soo darn cute!!! I hope she can get into the napping grove soon!!! I am going to have to try the qtip thing.