Thursday, July 3, 2008

Road Trip...

Jo and I are going to RI for the next 2 nights for Josephine's 2nd birthday party! I'm a little nervous because there is a lot of driving involved, I'm hoping this trip is vomit free! haha I'm confident we can do it because I figured out that everytime we have to drive it'll be atleast TWO hours after Jo has eaten or drank anything. And on the way down when we meet my mom half way we're not just going to hop in her car and continue to RI we're actually going to take a break and go in a store for awhile or something. I'm also PRAYING Jo will fall asleep on the way to the half way point today, if she's asleep it's guaranteed to be vomit free! haha wish us luck! =) I shall update as I go along but expect A LOT of pictures when I get back!

1 comment:

MommyKW said...

Good luck! Have fun! Happy Birthday, again, Jo! haha