Monday, July 21, 2008


Today, my sister Allyson came up and we took Josephine to the beach for the very first time! This is terrible... this beach is only 10 minutes away from my house, yet this is the first time we've been. I'm REEEEEALLY not a huge beach person, at all. But I've been really wanting to bring Jo for her own sake, I knew she would love it! We happen to go on the last day of the Professional Sand Castle Festival, yes, you heard me right. You will not believe your eyes when you see these sand castles! ALRIGHT, let's start, there is a lot to get through haha =)

Here is Jo and Auntie Ally while Jo has lunch...

Jo LOVED the sand, she could have stayed all day and just played in the sand and would have been perfectly happy. But... when it came to the water... she was a bit, how do I say, PETRIFIED. I think it was the crashing waves and the noise it was making, it was all just a little too intimidating for her. So here is my sister showing the water to Jo and then Jo's face after we had put her down in the water and wave came over to her hahaha oh my lord, this picture is priceless.

Okay, time for the sand castles! Check these out...

Jo wouldn't let go of this shovel the whole time. My sister was joking with people that she was there to put the finishing touches on her sand castle.

The 2nd to last picture you see above is the sand castle that came in 1st place! I agreed!

Then we went to a little restaurant across the street and had a hot dog and then went back and hung out on the beach. Please... do not look directly at me in these pictures haha HORRIBLE. Bad hair + sun in the eyes = a baaaad picture.

I love how much sand Jo has on her face in this picture, it looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow!

Okay... this next picture has got to be my favorite picture EVER! haha she stayed in this position for a good solid 2 minutes or so...

Here is Jo burying my feet, playing with Auntie Ally, and a picture of the drastic difference in color between me and my sister. Since I am a sun screen nazi and will cover myself everytime I plan on being outside for longer than 10 minutes... I am as white as snow haha and my sister, who doesn't use sun screen, is very tan. I spent my childhood years as tan as she is here, I used to think that was my natural skin color.

I took a lot of great videos today but I will save those for tomorrow! I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with all this blogging brilliance!


Jennifer said...

Those sand castles are amazing...The butt pic is def my favorite too. I wish the beach was close to me...of course yesterday it was 103 so I am not so sure we would want to go with this heat.

The Real EMO said...

What beach is that? too funny that Jo hated the waves and K LOVes them. She squeels with delight everytime a wave hits her!

Unknown said...

It's Revere Beach. I'm from Revere, Massachusetts which is like 2 seconds away from Boston.

The Real EMO said...

ohhhh I thought you went to a RI beach!

Sara said...

Whaaaat? The sand castles are awesome!! Looks like you guys had a great time!!!!