Saturday, July 26, 2008


Jo ended up sleeping for 1 hour and 30 minutes exactly. I was SOOO excited and so proud of her! Until I realized, the nap did nothing. She was just as cranky and just as upset after the nap as she was before hand. This upset me very much. It is so frustrating to know what the problem is behind your baby being upset all the time and yet that problem can't be fixed no matter what! It just seems so simple to me, sleep enough = be happy. Why can't I get her to sleep enough!? Very frustrating...

So I needed to distract her. I really didn't want to take the 15 minute walk to the shopping plaza nearby because it was just sweltering hot out and if you know me, then you know I don't do heat. But, alas, I felt like I didn't have any other option. So off we went. I let Jo walk around the baby/toy sections of 2 department stores. I basically just used these stores as Jo's entertainment/playground. But hey! I ended up buying something in each store so I was indeed a valid customer! haha I wasn't just using them!... sort of...

We got this great Sesame Street 25 piece kitchen set for only $4.99!!! It's so cute and Jo loves kitchen stuff. Then it was off to the bath...

In other news, tomorrow night is going to be a rare occurrence. Rob and I are having a night out. We're going out to dinner and then seeing George Michael in concert (oh, yes). Jo will be fine on her own... just kidding! We're leaving her with Nana.

1 comment:

The Real EMO said...

We are having the same problem over here.. Keira has taken one 10 min nap and 1 20 min nap today!! She is CRANKY!. SO frustrating!