Friday, July 18, 2008

My Birthday!

Today was my 21st birthday! Kim left Layla with her mom and I left Jo with my mother-in-law and Kim and I went shopping and out to dinner. It was so nice to have a day out together just the 2 of us! When I got home I got a big surprise... look what Rob picked me up at the grocery store...

A WATERMELON CAKE! Okay, me and Rob have been eyeing this cake ALL SUMMER LONG every week we go to the grocery store! We've been so curious as to what it was like but we always passed because it's a tad bit pricey and it's sorta small so we never got it but I guess my birthday was a good enough occasion to finally give in! It's white cake and it's supposed to have watermelon flavored frosting. When I took the plastic cover off the smell hit me like a brick wall, it smells like... well, bubblegum! haha it does't smell bad or anything... just... like bubblegum! The frosting also tastes like bubblegum, I imagine the smell and taste of a watermelon is hard to duplicate so it was a good try! It was DELICIOUS!
P.s. Yes that is pretty much the entire city of Springfield behind me, and yes that is in our kitchen. I had to let my husband keep something...


Sara said...

That cake looks incredible! Happy birthday weekend!

k's mama said...

Love the cake. Mike thinks your hubby's collection is awesome!
Happy Birthday!! YOu are such a baby!!! I feel old at 26....

ChatRabbit said...

Happy Birthday (a little late) Caroline!
That was a cute cake...the other day we got some watermelon Del's, and so help me, it tasted just like cotton candy! I guess it's a hard flavor to "hit"!