Sunday, July 6, 2008

No Computer!

I can't update the blog with pictures until Tuesday night because I ordered a new computer (a Mac, yay!) and it doesn't come until Tuesday. I had to give my old computer to my Dad when I left RI and so all we're left with is Rob's computer and it's having issues as well so all you can do is really go online, it'd take forever if I tried to put my pictures on here!

So we'll see you on Tuesday! I have a TON of pictures to post so stay tuned! =)


MommyKW said...

Okay, I'm computer illiterate! Call the officials! Is a mac better than a regular laptop?! You young kids and your technology! haha! Just kidding!

Tracy said...

Can't wait to see pictures... Glad it was a good weekend.. .despite some bumps.