Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Side Note...

If you're not doing anything tonight. I highly suggest you watch Prime Time on ABC at 10pm Eastern Time. It is a special on the late Professor Randy Pausch and if you want to learn about a truly amazing, and inspirational man then you should definitely tune in! Just have the tissues near by...


The Real EMO said...

He is awesome. SO sad that he died. I want to watch it but its wayyyy past my bedtime. K has been getting up around 530am lately.... yawn.

Caroline said...

up at 5:30 am for the day!? Of my goodness... I wouldn't be able to handle that. Getting up at 8 am for the day is early for Jo haha thank goodness for that.

k's mama said...

haha... yes lately up for the day. She used to wake up at 530 to nurse and then go back to sleep till 630 or 7 am... now she wakes up to nurse at 4 am and then up at 530 for the day.... hence why I also have a TIRED cranky baby!!!!!! I feel your pain. Naps are a nightmare too. SHe does not want to take them!