Saturday, July 26, 2008


Josephine has just given up on sleep all together. So she spends her days EXHAUSTED and cranky and crying etc. etc. etc... Last night she woke up from 3 in the morning till 5:30 and then I was SURE she'd sleep for a few hours but nope... woke up at 7. I've tried EVERYTHING to get her to take a good nap. Today, I put her down in our bed. She's been sleeping for 1 hour and 7 minutes exactly so far completely on her own without me doing anything. If putting her in our bed is what it takes then so be it, I couldn't care less where she takes a nap as long as she actually takes one! I didn't think this would work because during my trial and error I put her in our bed after she had already woken up and I had gotten her back to sleep and it didn't seem to work. But maybe it was because she had already woken up? Maybe I had to put her down from the start in our bed? We'll see.. all I know is that I am SO happy about the nap she's taking right now.... 1 hour and 9 minutes so far!!!!

Here is Jo being tired yesterday.

Here is Jo being tired today.

1 hour and 12 minutes!

1 comment:

k's mama said...

Uggg- Its awful when they are tired and won't sleep. K always takes really short naps when she is teethintg ( aka now) Yesterday it was 2 30 min naps! Then she spends the rest of the day whining.......