Monday, March 2, 2009

Funny Baby!

Jo has been cracking us up today! She had been asking me for beans all day. I know, strange child! So for dinner I gave her a big bowl full of pinto and kidney beans. She ate them alllll up like they were candy! haha then she asked me for more, more, more. I obviously didn't want to give her TOO much more since she had already eaten a pretty good bowl full so I gave her a quarter bowl more... she ate them all. Then she asked me for an apple so I gave her one. Jo is OBSESSED with apples and everyday, throughout the course of the day, she will consume just about 1 whole apple everyday. But today... she ate the entire apple in one sitting after all those beans! This is after having half an apple between breakfast and lunch! haha so needless to say... Jo had a pretty good dinner! Here she is eating her beans... she looks pissed off because I made her look at me while she was watching Curious George haha

Here is Jo this morning all dressed in red, with a red plate of strawberries on her lap haha she was in between her "smile" face.

I got Jo this backpack that comes with a sleeping bag, water bottle, and flash light at Target on clearance. I put it on her tonight and she refused to take it off for quite awhile. So we went upstairs to visit Nana and show her Jo's backpack. She looked like a crazy homeless person walking around with the backpack and holding a spray bottle and broom haha.

And finally... the best video to come since!.... the last video I posted haha. I asked Jo "do you want to tip toe?" (which is her new favorite thing to do) but the video starts off catching the end of that question so all you hear is me say "tip toe" but then listen to Jo say "OKAY!" oh my god... TOOO FUNNY! I've been watching it over and over and it cracks me up every time!


MommyKW said...

I see what you mean about her cracking you up! That video is hilarious! And, after you wrote that about her looking like a homeless person, I laughed out loud when I saw that picture! She is too cute!

k's mama said...

a bowl of beans?????????????? Gross!!! Is there anything your child won't eat???

Caroline said...

NOPE! I'm expecting a big poop today from her since there is a TON of fiber in them and a TON of protein but I'm not sure if protein makes you poop haha