Thursday, July 31, 2008


Josephine is still taking horrible naps. Well... I guess they aren't "horrible" because she'll sleep for like an hour or an hour and 20 minutes... but it's just nooooot enough! She needs to nap for an hour and 45 minutes or 2 hours in order to be okay for the rest of the day so yeah... she's not quite there. After many, many rough days with her being insanely cranky all day I have found that it really helps if I break up her day with different environments. Whether it's going for walks, going to the playground or shopping plaza, or just going upstairs or out back... she just needs her day to be broken up and she's been pretty good for the past 3 days.

Here are some pictures from the playground yesterday...

The geese in the baseball field next to the playground, look how cute!

Since Jo was wearing a Red Sox shirt, which you can hardly see in these pictures because of the sun, I decided to take some baseball themed pictures while she ran around the field...

I love this picture, it looks like she was just getting ready to play some ball but got lazy so just decided to sit down haha

I also love this picture because of the way her face is all smashed up against the face haha she's so silly...

Then as I pulled the stroller back into our driveway Lori and Ayden popped their head over the fence and told us to come on over, Jo loves playing with her little boyfriend...

Jo then proceeded to have a naked dinner because I had to take her clothes off in the garage because she got drenched next door haha and then she took a bath where she showed off saying her new word "Abby" the name of her cousin. Ofcourse she walks around all day saying it but then when I try to get her to say it on video I look like an idiot because it takes me like 5 minutes to get her to say it haha

It was too hot today to walk to the shopping plaza or playground so we took a short walk around here and spent some time in the back yard, Jo got to play in the water and got drenched again haha I can't believe how much her attitude towards water has changed lately.


k's mama said...

haha.. K has got Jo beat. Today she took a 20 min nap!!!!!! Love the naked dinner pics

Tracy said...

I love the pictures.... very very cute. Jenna is soo much better off doing meals naked... otherwise I have to do a ton of laundry. She is not the cleanest baby! Have a great vacation!!!

MommyKW said...

Very cute! Samantha eats clothesless as well! haha!