Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cutie Patootie...

Today my sister and mother came over just to hang out for the day. Jo looked sooo cute in this sweater we got at Baby Gap. It's way too big for her but I rolled up the sleeves and put it on her anyway! It never gets old dressing a little girl, so much fun! =)

Yes, I know, in that close up shot her hair is in her face waaaaay too much. Don't worry, I don't let her walk around like that all day! haha that was before I put her hair up for the day. If she does wear her hair down, I always make sure it's out of her face. But nope, still won't cut it! haha

I got tired of waiting for Rob to hang the final touches in Jo's room so I just did it my self. I HATE hanging things on the wall, I'm just not good at it and I always mess up but I managed to do this mess up free! What do you think?

And our new doors were put in! I love them! They still need to be stained but... I sorta like the way they look without being stained haha but I know it's better to do it!

And here are 2 random pictures from the past few days of Jo doing the exact same thing just a different day haha and what is she doing you ask? Teething, being tired, and watching her favorite show.


MommyKW said...

So cute! My kids love their bean bag chair. I LOVE THAT SWEATER! i think I might have to go get it!

Caroline said...

I know! When I saw it, I was like "I want this sweater for myself!"

Sara said...

I totally know what you mean about the hair in the face issue!!!

Jennifer said...

Very cute sweater...Brooke got bean bag chairs for her birthday and she loves to fall into them too.