Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, we are back. We drove back at Jo's bedtime in hopes she'd sleep the whole way and everything would work out... well it did! She slept the whole way home and when I went to take her out of her car seat she woke up a little bit but let me carry her in like a little baby and I just plopped her in her crib and she went right back to sleep. I swear, every single time I go to RI I am going to do it during Jo's bed time, there and back, it is so much less stress!!!!

Here are some pictures from when we went over to visit Kim and Layla

Jo was petting Layla and saying "niiice" in this picture, not hitting her like it looks like haha

Here is Jo in the Pack n' Play we brought for her to sleep in. I had it right up against the bed I was sleeping in. She woke up in the middle of the night and must have realized I was there so instead of going back to sleep she stood up, went in the corner, and leaned over and tried to pick my nose haha and that's how I woke up. So I just let her come in the bed with me.

And I just have to post these pictures of my sister... she was going to a charity event Saturday night for work and WOW. I mean, my sister is gorgeous but.... LOOK AT HER HERE hahaha

My sister is so going to be the type of mother someday who walks around in stilettos with her baby on her hip and all the other mothers in sweat pants hate her AKA me haha

Here's Jo hanging out with my grandmother and then attempting to take a picture with my sister before she left

Annnnd, Jo looking like a crazy person Saturday night...

Then on Sunday we headed to my Uncle's retirement party...

Isn't this just a lovely picture? haha I look HORRIBLE, before I did my hair and makeup! But Jo... she just brings all the class to this picture.

During the party me and my Aunt Danette brought Jo outside and she just RAN and RAN and RAN. Haha it was like she built up so much energy behaving in the party she just had to let it all out...

Here is Jo looking REALLY mad and then REALLY tired this morning.

Here is Jo having a harmonica duet with my father...

And then Jo busting out some moves!


The Real EMO said...

Don't feel bad- I am totally one of those moms in sweats.. and I don't own a pair of heels. Oh well! I think Jo has a future in dance!!!:o) Looks like you guys had a fun weekend!

MommyKW said...

Wow! Looks like fun! Your sister does look fantastic in those pics and baby Layla is getting soooo big! Your Dad is quite talented! haha! I love Jo's sweater in the videos! Too cute!

Mehrazar said...

i am glad you didn't have as much stress as the other times. i missed Jo so much i couldn't see her since my laptop was broken. i love the picture of her with her finger in her nose.

Sara said...

haha! yeah ,the finger in the nose is classic!