Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jo Needs Shoes...

I said I wasn't going to bother buying Jo shoes until she started walking buuuut... this child needs some shoes. Something to protect her feet when she's playing with her crazy cousin, Abby and when she's pulling books off the book shelf... yeah, she needs shoes! I need to go to StrideRite because she needs special shoes, her feet are too high, they don't go into any other shoes I've seen at other stores. StrideRite has special shoes for every type of foot possible and they measure her foot and all that jazz so hopefully we can get there soon!

Here's Jo climbing on me, as usual. Please take note of the sudden change in facial expressions in pictures #2 and #3 which were taken about 2 seconds apart from one another.

And then she continued to make the most pathetic faces you have ever seen haha...

Josephine is very strange. I've never seen a child enjoy having things thrown at her so much, and being tossed around and just being played with very rough haha it's so funny. Well today I plopped her in her crib and I was going to go through all her clothes and put away as much as I could that she doesn't wear and doesn't fit into anymore, just to try and make room. By the way, I ended up packing away 24 pieces of clothing!!! Which were all 6-9 months and I squeeze Jo into still but I figured she has so many clothes that I should just put them away haha. I'm also glad to announce that her "over-flow" of clothes that used to pile up on top of my dresser can all fit into her drawers now and I officially have the top of my dresser back! haha Well anytime I decided I was going to pack something away I'd whip at Jo in her crib haha all of these pictures were taken RIGHT when I threw it at her or when I was just getting ready to...


MommyKW said...

Very cute! I can't wait to see her new shoes! Stride Rite has some really cute summer shoes. Samantha loves to have towels and clothes thrown at her too! Taylor did too. Must be a girl thing!

Anonymous said...

Probably the funniest pictures and blog posting yet! The look on her face is priceless- can't wait to squeeeeeze those cheeks again!

The Real EMO said...

Stride right does have great shoes. Keira loves clothes too. She takes all her clothes out of the drawers and then plays with the. What on earth where oyu doing to her to make her make all those sad sad faces???? haha :O) -tanya

Jennifer said...

Very cute, Brooke likes to have stuff thrown at her too...weird June babies...hahaha