Friday, May 16, 2008


I can't believe this. But I think Jo has weaned herself off her 2nd nap! The past 2 days she just... never got tired for a 2nd nap. I would try, but she would just lay there wide awake, smiling at me. I have to admit... this will make it easier to go places because we don't have to wait for her 2nd nap to be over. But I will miss that extra 45 minutes-1 hour of free time. Now I'm really going to have to prioritize and really think about what I need to do during her 1st nap haha.

Jo was a crawling MANIAC yesterday. She actually went in and out of the living room, usually the beads act as some sort of barrier and she won't go past them but she is over that now haha so the gate will REALLY come in handy now. But I had her crawling around the kitchen while I was doing dishes and I turn around and see her crawling out the kitchen door to go upstairs haha, thank god it's not to go DOWNWstairs or else she would have fallen down the stairs. Then she would crawl into the bathroom and what not. I guess I better get used to this!

Here is Jo helping herself to the DVDs yesterday. Obviously the DVDs that line the doorway into the living room are going to have to be removed some day. Who knows, maybe not! haha

Then we went outside before dinner because Jo started getting cranky, and going outside is always a sure fix for that! She kept giving cars that were going by such dirty looks! It was hilarious.

After Jo's dinner which consisted of fruit and corn, she needed to take a bath... baaaadly. So she went straight from her booster seat to the bathtub. Here she is all fresh and clean!


Anonymous said...

YAY! Fun times outside! Sometimes, I like to crawl on the side walk too- it gets me more in tune with nature! Miss you guys!

MommyKW said...

So cute! She is adorable! Lucky for you she can't get up the stairs! Samantha just figured that out and she can now get out of her room and make her way into the hall, but she hasn't figured out the going down!

The Real EMO said...

Love the expressions she makes! Wow one nap. I am going to keep pushing the 2 naps as long as I can!!! I like the break! :o)-tanya

Sara said...

Jo is so cute! And I love her green outfit. Kaitlyn loves to pick the grass and stuff from between the cracks outside too. and is all over the place as well..whew!!!!