Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So Sick!

I have one sick baby on my hands. Her nose... is like a fountain, and verrrrry congested. She still has a horrible cough and it's just so deep and congested sounding, it must hurt her little throat so bad. Last night was the worst, she could not stop coughing so she couldn't fall asleep... or atleast fall into a deep enough sleep where she would sleep through the coughing. Jo has had some coughs before but it has never interrupted her sleep. Last night... she was up from 12:30am-6am. She was SO tired, you should have seen her! She'd fall asleep sitting up and then 2 seconds later wake up coughing. She kept drifting in and out but never stayed asleep for more than 2 minutes at a time. It was HORRIBLE. I felt terrible, she just looked so desperate for sleep. She was hugging me and laying her head on me, it was so pittiful. But she was such a trooper, she never cried or got really fussy. She was probably too tired to cry!

So Jo did really well with her breakfast, she had a banana and a piece of jelly toast and some fruit but by the time lunch rolled around she was so exhausted. Right before lunch I had put her down for a nap but she only managed to sleep 20 minutes before waking up in a coughing fit and I think when you're exhausted, and then you only get a tiny amount of sleep such as 20 minutes, then wake up... you feel even worst than you did before. Atleast that's how it works with me and it seemed that way with Jo because she wasn't too happy, she didn't do well with her veggies and just wanted to get down. She actually was pretty okay after I let her down until dinner and guess what she had for dessert! CARROT CAKE!!! I felt so bad for her, I needed to brighten her day somehow haha.
So here are some messssssy pictures from that adventure... I took her clothes off before hand in preparation.

The last picture just says it all, she is TIRED!

Right after that, as you probably assumed, Jo went straight into the bath! And I am proud to say I think Jo has conquered her fear of running water! She's not afraid of all running water, just the bath. She used to freak out but today I was only giving her a "mini-bath" because I was going to give her a real bath tonight and so I just ran the water lightly and sat Jo in the bath and it took her awhile but she started to touch the water coming down. It lighter than being on full blast but on enough that she usually would be afraid of it.

Here is a video of her eating the carrot cake and then in the bath afterwards. This poor baby, she coughs in the first video and it just sounds terrible. The one in the video is actually one of the more mild coughs, I just heard her cough on the baby monitor and it sounded like she was gagging too =( but so far she's still asleep...

Let us hope for a better night tonight!


MommyKW said...

Oh my goodness! I hope you guys do better tonight. It is so hard when they are sick because you just don't know what to do to make them feel better. She is adorable with that cake - Carrot Cake is the only cake I actually will eat! Maybe that should be her birthday cake! Haha!

The Real EMO said...

ugggh. Hopefully you will both do better tonight. Have you tired that vicks cough suppressants mist for warm steam humidifiers? Its safe for babies according to Keiras ped and its a cough suppressant.

MommyKW said...

Tanya- funny you should mention that, I was thinking the same thing! Chris actually used it when he was sick - he turned out to have bronchitis - but he said it helped. You should try it

Tracy said...

Poor Baby. My advise.. Jenna is just getting over this. Get a hot air humidifier.. they have ones where you put a vicks liquid where the steam comes out. I helps SOOO much. Ok.. I just saw that Tanya suggested the same thing. It REALLY HELPS!! We also elevated one side of her crib.. but that only helps until they start rolling around. Good luck.. take it easy!