Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been SIIIIIICK! And combine that with taking care of Jo... I have been one tired mumma at the end of the day. I'm doing a little bit better today, I don't have a sore throat anymore but I have 100% blockage in my nose, can't breathe through it AT ALL. And if anyone knows me... you know this is probably the one thing about being sick that I can not deal with. It drives me crazy!!! I took a nasal decongestant but I has done nothing! AHH! This better be gone by tomorrow...

Here is a picture of the new TV stand

It still needs to be moved back about a foot... but I'm to weak to do that. I gotta wait for the men...

Some random cute pictures of Jo I took this morning of her not taking her eyes off of Sesame Street for one minute haha

My husband has some hippie beads hanging down from the living room doorway. Obviously it didn't take Jo long to discover them. She likes to crawl over there and just have a ball. We're getting our first baby gate soon and I want to put it about 3 inches infront of these beads but in the living room. So my husband can keep his hippie beads a little big longer... if he must haha

So today I left Jo in the living room while I went to the bathroom... well this is what I found when I got back...

Jo has been doing REALLY good with eating table foods. She hasn't had baby food in just about a week now. She especially loves toast! I give her one piece of whole wheat toasted bread either with breakfast or dinner and I give it to her after she's eaten her veggies and fruit because once you give it to her, you can't pry it out of her little baby hands haha. I give it to her whole and just watch her but she does soooo good with taking tiny bites and she eats the whole thing! Tonight I put grape jelly on it, she didn't seem to enjoy it any more than she usually does.


The Real EMO said...

Keira would have a blast with those hippie beads!!! Looks like she is doing good with table food. That is awsome that she takes tiny bites.. Keira shoves to much in there and then chokes.... ohhh and she loves to chew on her pampers too! Hope you feel better. Keira has a cold and allergies right now and can't breath either!-tanya

MommyKW said...

I hope you are feeling better soon! I hate stuffed noses - you should try a nasal rinse. I use it during allergy season and when I have sinus colds and it really helps. Jo is just an adorable little girl (can you believe that I said little girl and not baby!)! Every picture I just want to squeeze her! Yeah on the adult food - it makes things so much easier and you will find she likes a lot of different foods now

Tracy said...

Numm... toast looks nummy.. how many teeth does she have now?? Jenna would eat WAY to big a piece! I am paranoid of choking too so I rip things into little bites. Jenna only has one tooth yet. Hope you are feeling better. TV stand is great... love all the little action figures!!!