Friday, August 29, 2008

Construction Day 3!

Construction day 3 started today, they're working 4 days in a row so a lot is gonna get done! I'll post pictures tonight of the progress =)

Yesterday we all went on a walk with Zoe, my in-laws dog. They're on a cruise this week! So she hasn't been for a walk all week.

When we got back... I left Jo alone for TWO seconds and I come back and she has managed to get a bag of dried blueberries off of Rob's desk, dump the whole thing on the floor, and sit there and happily eat them haha

Then we went outside because sooomeone was a cranky pants...

I got these really tiny pink bins at the dollar store to put some of Jo's little nick knack toys in and this is what I found after I got back from the bathroom...

Jo trying to fit her bum in it haha! That's as far as she could get.


The Real EMO said...

LOL.. Is jo obsessed with steps? Keira goes up and down ours like 20 times a day. She loves to sit on them and climb them... Jo looks alot like your hubby in that video!! Love how she says dada.

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to see the finished product...especially Jo's room, it is going to be so cute!!

MommyKW said...

I can't wait to see what they accomplished today! That picture of her with the blueberries is classic! She looks like, "What?!" she is so funny! I have to die every time I see her hair! She has such a full head of dark hair, it's crazy! Samantha has a lot of hair, but it's blonde, so it doesn't look like as much as Jo's. Although, I do believe that they are pretty much a lot alike, including hairdos! Samantha just has her bangs trimmed! haha! Just an anal mom!