Saturday, February 16, 2008

Big Day Today AND Tomorrow!

Josephine loooves to go out, she's always an absolute model citizen when we got places. And tomorrow we're definitely going places! We're going to church then Costco, Pet Co., Babies R' Us, Target, Michaels, and out to eat at T.G.I.F Fridays.
This is the toy I got Josephine for Valentine's Day. She's always banging her hands on the table and on her lap and... basically always flapping her hands around haha so this was the perfect toy and I couldn't get a picture of her in action banging on the light up drums but she definitely loves it!
How do you like Josephine's new ear muffs!? They're actually for an adult, my mother-in-law gave them to me, but they are so perfect to throw on Jo if we're just going out to the car real quick. And she can't take them off like she sometimes does with her hats.

Sooooo the BIG NEWS OF THE DAY!!!

Josephine pulled herself up into a perfect standing position today in her crib, all by herself! ANNND her first tooth cut through!!! Luckily I had the bar rised because I have caught her trying to pull herself up when the bar isn't raised and it's so low she'd just do a nose dive over the edge. Here she is in all her glory!

And here is what it looks like when she stands up with the bar lowered, just so you can see how much of a difference there is and how much trouble we would have been in if the bar wasn't raised when she did this for the first time!!!
See how she towers over it? We're probably not going to lower the mattress just yet, just make sure the bar is raised if she's in there.

Alright! Time to clean up and wait for the hubby to get home from work! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! =)


Jennifer said...

Ah-Ha I guess the tooth cutting thru was the reason for your early morning wake up call....still no teeth here.....hoping we get some soon though.

MommyKW said...

Yeah! A tooth! I love the fish face she is making. Too funny! Sounds like you have a busy day coming up. I LOVE Costco! We can never leave there without a huge bill. It's so funny, everytime somebody says, oh where did you get that - the answer is always COSTCO! I should work for them for how much I tell everyone how much I love them! We use their diapers and wipes. I love their wipes!

k's mama said...

u might want to lower that mattress!! we did for Keira