Friday, March 28, 2008

Am I A Bad Stove Owner?

This stove is almost a year old. So it's pretty much brand new. Tell me... does it look clean to you?

I feel bad for the front 2 burners. Haha that's right... I feel bad for inanimate objects. I feel like a bad stove owner that their so dirty but I spent all morning trying to clean them as much as possible and I have to say it's a lot better. But they're booooound to get dirty right? To the point where you kinda can't clean it up ALL the way? haha I'm crazy I know...


k's mama said...

Nope- doesn't look clean to me!!! We have the exact same stove except its an electric flat top. I clean everything.

Caroline said...

I wish we had an electric flat top! It would be so much easier to clean! I bet a more heavy duty cleaner would clean it better =( I feel so bad haha

Jennifer said...

I have an electric flat top too. I have the same one Krissy I think.It is a lot easier to clean. Little things bug me too.I don't think I feel bad for every day household items though.....that is ALL you:~) haha!!

MommyKW said...

Don't feel bad! Your doing something else other than cleaning your oven - taking care of a baby! Haha! This is also coming from someone who spent an entire day wiping down all the baseboard trim in the house - it always looks dirty to me!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.