Monday, March 24, 2008


Jo was tired all day because she took really short naps, even though I tried so hard to get her to go back to sleep or nap longer but alas... she refused. So she doesn't look too happy in today's batch of photos, she looks very tired! But she was angel today =) When she's tired she always gives me lots of hugs and kisses and starts being all extra cuddley.

And check out these socks! I love them!

So with all the commotion of yesterday, I never got a chance to give Jo her Easter Basket from Mumma and Dada. So she got to open it today and she really, really liked... the ribbon.

Then Jo got a box full of presents from my brother's girlfriend, Karen. Karen is possibly the nicest person you will ever meet and I love her!!! =) THANKS KAREN!!!
Here is Jo having fun wiiiiith... the tissue paper and box.

Check out the new Easter pictures I posted in the post below!...


MommyKW said...

I love that striped outfit and those cute socks! Samantha could have just gotten plastic eggs for Easter and would have been happy!

k's mama said...

Jo has alot of striped outfits!! They are so cute!!!