Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Super housewife!!!!!

I accomplished A LOT today! I washed all the dishes (there were a lot haha), dried them, put them away. Then throughout the day I did 6 loads of laundry, folded it, put it away! (except for Jo's stuff which is hanging to dry and I will fold that tomorrow and put it away). Theeeeeeeeen, I cooked a BIG late lunch/early dinner for my husband since he worked from 4 am this morning until 4 pm this afternoon! YEP! Crazy huh? Then I did another sink full of dishes because of the meal I cooked haha, dried those... put those away. Then I gave Jo a bath and then I did a 3 page paper for school! All while having Jo all by myself for most of the day. Hooray for me! I'm like a super housewife! =p haha

Today I put little pieces of an Orange on Jo's tray to see if she'd be able to feed herself. She managed to pick up a few pieces and put them in her mouth but she mostly had fun just smushing it and rubbing it all over her tray haha I also had to give her a bath right afterward because she was just FILTHY! I have never seen her this messy before! I had her sleeves rolled up but her entire arm from the elbow down was just VERY sticky from the oranges haha and she kept grabbing her hair during this ordeal and there were prunes from the morning in her hair and prune stains on her forehead and neck soooo DEFINITELY needed a bath. Here she is with her oranges:

As you can see in the 2nd picture, the tray got a lot messier haha.

And here is Jo sitting in the hamper while I was pulling things from underneath her putting them in the washing machine haha as you can see in the 2nd picture she was getting a little scared by what I was doing.

Tomorrow we are going to Target, not only for our weekly visit haha, but to see what they have in store for bathroom furniture and what not. I'd so much rather buy it in person before I order it online so that will be fun! I LOVE TARGET! My life without Target would be a sad, sad, sad life haha =p


k's mama said...

I agree! LOVE target!! I am inpressed with all you got done yesterday.. Keira is teething and cranky and I can't get anything done!!!!

Caroline said...

I know I'm surprised too! Jo has been SOOOOO good lately about not freaking out when I leave the room and sitting in her playard with her toys if I put her in there. She's eve been good about sitting in her booster seat in the kitchen just to play (usually she's upset if I don't offer any food haha)

MommyKW said...

Wow - you got a lot done! Good for you! I wish I could get 6 loads done in one day and I HATE dishes! I would rather use disposable everything - but for some reason I don't! Jo is so cute! Samantha loves mandarin oranges. That was the first fruit she ate that didn't give her an allergic reaction. We stock up on those cans - all the kids love them!

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how adorable Jo is!!! Soo cute!! My husband and I think her and Jenna could be related.. they look similar! I miss my target! Closest one is an hour away :( Oh well.. fun when I do get there!